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Judge Dredd Megazine 438

Judge Dredd Megazine 438
Homeland Security

Released 17th Nov 2021

Al Ewing, Arthur Wyatt, David Baillie, Gordon Rennie, Ian Edginton, Matt Smith, Emma Beeby, Ales Kot, Paul Starkey & Si Spencer
Dave Taylor, Duane Redhead, Eoin Covenay, Jesus Redondo, Lee Carter, Nick Dyer, Nicolo Assirelli & Mike Dowling
Eva De La Cruz, Lee Townsend & Quinton Winter
Annie Parkhouse, Ellie De Ville, Jim Campbell & Simon Bowland

 Dredd Defends his city from Aliens with grand designs! 

Episodes include:

Devlin Waugh » The Reckoning (part 7)

Brit-Cit, 2142 AD. A freelance paranormal troubleshooter and exorcist for the Vatican, Devlin Waugh is the world’s foremost supernatural investigator. Despite becoming a vampire after getting bitten tackling an outbreak in an underwater prison, Devlin continues to enjoy the finer things in life. Having recently befriended a demon, Tittivillus, he’s become suspicious of it...

The Returners » Amazonia (part 7)

South-Am, 2142 AD. Four different people in Ciudad Barranquilla – academic Barrancourt, Ex-Judge Mineiro, gangbanger Correira, and transgender street-walker Chavez – all awoke from near-death experiences, and as a consequence encounter supernatural entities. Now, after being trapped in a eerie house in Brit-Cit, they’ve been transported back to their home country...

Angelic » Restitution (part 5)

The Texas City Radlands, 2077. He emerged out of the desolate wastelands without a name or able to remember much of his past. Injured, clearly fleeing from individuals who want to do him harm, all he could do was mouth the word ‘Angel’. Now, escaping his former life, Angel is making a home in the Cursed Earth with his adopted son Linc and strange mutant The Varmint...

Tales from the Black Museum » Double Jeopardy (part 5)

Mega-City One, 2142 AD. Deep in the heart of the Grand Hall of Justice lies the Black Museum, Justice Department’s permanent exhibition of the relics from bygone crimes. Whether it’s a notorious serial killer’s trophies or the weapons of the Dark Judges, the violent history of the Big Meg is laid bare here. Let undead guide Henry Dubble show you around...

Judge Dredd » Dez Rez (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2143 AD. This vast urban hell on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to over 150 million citizens. With unemployment at ninety per cent and boredom universal, crime is rampant. Stemming the tide of chaos are the Judges, future law-enforcers empowered to dispense instant justice. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd – he is the Law!

Supplement episodes include:

The Alienist » Inhuman Natures (part 1)

England, 1908. Madelyn Vespertine, an Edwardian woman of unknown age and origin, investigates strange events of an apparently occult nature, accompanied by Professor Sebastian Wetherall. Little do those that meet the pair know that the Professor is actually an out-of-work actor called Reginald Briggs, a stooge covering for the fact that Madelyn is not human, and is trying to protect mankind from an imminent interdimensional threat...

Tharg's Terror Tales » The Talisman (part 1)

Experience the terrifying side of Thrill-power with these one-off tales from beyond the shadowy veil of sanity. Whether they be ghostly goings-on that send shivers up the spine, or guts-to-the-wall splatterfests that sear the retina and paralyse the mind, nothing is what it seems in these glimpses of a horrifying realm beyond our own...

Tharg's Terror Tales » Birth of the Mazzikim (part 1)

Experience the terrifying side of Thrill-power with these one-off tales from beyond the shadowy veil of sanity. Whether they be ghostly goings-on that send shivers up the spine or guts-to-the-wall splatterfests that sear the retina, nothing is what it seems in these glimpses of a horrifying realm beyond our own. Sitting alone at night, upon hearing a noise in the next room, do you investigate? Who knows what may be waiting for you...

Tharg's Future Shocks » The Crow Gifts (part 1)

Experience the terrifying side of Thrill-power with these one-off tales from beyond the veil. Whether they be ghostly goings-on that send shivers up the spine or guts-to-the-wall splatterfests that sear the retina, nothing is what it seems in these glimpses of a realm beyond our own. Generations have passed since The Hatching, when the sky became black with the birds, and no one dares leave their home without protection...


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